
Take Action

Whether you’re a seasoned activist or just beginning to explore how you can contribute to environmental preservation, this page offers a wealth of information tailored to our Maine community. From detailed guides on reducing your carbon footprint to ways you can influence policy, these resources are designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to make a real impact.

Policy Advocacy

  • Advocate for climate policy: Write to Congress to support effective climate policies like the Carbon Fee and Dividend.
    Write to Congress →

Local Food Sources

Local Farmers' Markets and Gardens

Sustainable Living Tips

  • Composting and reducing waste:
    • Learn how to compost food waste effectively:
      Explore composting tips →
    • Reduce solid waste and save money by cooking more at home and reducing takeout.

Home Energy Efficiency

Biddeford Climate Action Plan

The City of Biddeford has proudly adopted its first Climate Action Plan, a forward-thinking roadmap aimed at reducing carbon emissions and effectively responding to climate-related events. This plan is the result of a three-year collaborative effort led by the Biddeford Climate Task Force, with vital input from residents and support from the Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission (SMPDC) along with regional community partners. This comprehensive strategy marks a significant step towards sustainable development and resilience in our community.

Biddeford Climate Action Plan

Want to get involved?

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